Calathea Beauty Star - Blooms n Bough

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Calathea Beauty Star


Buy Calathea Blue Star plant for your indoor collection. The Calathes Beauty Star plant is truly an ornate plant due to its distinct colorful patterns. The plant exhibits striking combination of green, red and deep purple hues alongside creamy while lines across both the sides of the midrib. Like other prayer plants, the Blue Star Calathea also reflects upward and lower movements of opening and folding of leaves during day and night time, respectively, symbolizing praying hands. This is the most interactive element of the plant, making it a must have in your indoor collection. While not overly large, the Calathea Blue Star can grow to a moderate size, making it suitable for various indoor settings. It typically reaches a height of about 1 to 2 feet.

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Name Calathea Beauty Star
Common names Calathea Ornata Beauty Star, Prayer Plant
Hindi names कैलाथिया ‘ब्यूटी स्टार / कैलाथिया ओरनाटा ब्यूटी स्टार
Type Low growing bushy shrub
Growth pattern Perennial
Exposure to sun Partial to full shade. Place Calatheas in a position where they get dappled light and avoid constant and direct sunlight exposure. Excessive sun exposure may result in the texture of the plant to fade.
Light  Provide bright, indirect light for optimal growth. The plant is tolerant to lower light conditions. However, periodic rotation of the plant should result in good growth
Soil Calathea plants thrive well in loamy soil, rich in organic matter. Use a well-draining, lightweight potting mix. Ensure the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogged soil.
Watering  Calatheas prefer moisture, so always ensure that the soil is damp, but not too soggy. If accidently you have overwatered, pause for a few days until you get a mild moist soil form. If you notice the leaves curling, it is an indication of improper hydration to the Calathea plant. Set up a watering schedule according to the weather conditions.
Pruning Pinch off the dried leaves. Calathea plants generally do not require too much of pruning, except for removal of dried leaves.
Maintenance level  Medium
Air-Purifying qualities No


*Note: The planters shown in the picture gallery is for representation purpose only. The plant box will include Calathea Blue Star plant in 4 inch grow pot. Decorative pots and planter must be purchased separately. 


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A sapling is a young plant and will come in a smaller size. Why take a sapling? While it is wonderful to watch your little sapling grow, multiply and produce plantlets, take different color variations and forms till it fully matures, some of the saplings require extra care before it hardens and is full grown. While some others are absolutely hands free. If you are ready to give it all the care and love to admire the comparative growth patterns across plants, we suggest you go for a sapling.


An aged plant will come in a slightly bigger size than a sapling. While we say 'aged', it only means that once a sapling, is now a grown up and would require comparatively less attention than a sapling. If you have the anxiety about going wrong in the process or just cant wait to see a full grown foliage, we recomend you go for an aged plant. Ah ah !! dont get us wrong, age has no bar for plant, they are evergreen, have infinite growth potential and are renewable.

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