Sansevieria Laurentii/Snake Plant Variegated - Blooms n Bough

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Sansevieria Laurentii/Snake Plant Variegated


Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii or Snake Plant Variegated, is not only known for its aesthetic appeal but also for its resilience, durability and ability to purify the air, making it a popular choice for indoor spaces. Its upright long leaves exhibit creamy yellow edges with dark green filling inside, that includes zig-zag like white variegation. While the plant  prefers indirect light and moderate temperatures, it can thrive in a range of temperatures and light conditions and thus very hardy and easy to maintain. Its minimal care requirements and drought-tolerance features make it an ideal plant for those who may forget to water occasionally. Its upright, sword-shaped leaves add a touch of elegance and architectural interest to indoor spaces. A combination of ideal artificial light and Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii, definitely is an eye-catching aesthetic for a boundary decor. It is slow growing but has a long durability and can thus last for many years. Above all, it is also recognized for its air-purifying qualities, and is amongst the few indoor plants that continue to absorb carbon dioxide in the night and emit oxygen. This hassle-free plant is definitely an excellent choice for plant lovers.

Air purifying qualities


Maintenance Level


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Name Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii/Snake Plant Variegated
Common names Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii, Snake Plant Variegated, Goodluck Plant, Vipers’s Bowstring Hemp, Magic Sword, Mother-in law’s tongue, Devil’s tongue, Gold-edged snake plant
Hindi names संसेविया लॉरेंटी / संसेविया / स्नेक प्लांट/ सांप का पौधा
Type Upright strap shape with sharp edges
Growth pattern Perennial
Exposure to sun Survives well in low to high sun exposures so placement is not a worry
Light  While the plant survives well under all light conditions, bright light conditions will help develop good variegation. While not necessary, keep turning the plant by a few inches, every few days, to let equal light exposure to all sides
Soil Use well-draining soil mix
Watering Sansevieria are generally drought tolerant plants, hence best suited for forgetful plant parents. But do not over water. Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out between two watering sessions. Thoroughly water after an interval of 15-20 days depending upon the season. This gives an idea of how low the watering requirement the plant commands.
Pruning Prune if the leaves have dried off. Sansevieria multiply fast and easily. Hence repot or transfer the new growth to other pot, when overcrowded. Propagation by suckers or by sub-division is very easy.
Maintenance level  Low
Purifying qualities Yes, one of the rare indoor plants that continue to absorb CO2 and exhale oxygen even in the night time
Plant Details Buy online Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii or Snake Plant Variegated, known for its aesthetic appeal, resilience, durability and air purifying ability, making it a popular choice for indoor spaces. While the plant  prefers indirect light and moderate temperatures, it can thrive in a range of temperatures and light conditions and thus very hardy and easy to maintain. Its minimal care requirements and drought-tolerance features make it an ideal plant for forgetful plant parents. Its upright, sword-shaped leaves add a touch of elegance and architectural interest to indoor spaces especailly for a boundary decor. It grows fast and can last for many years. It is amongst the few indoor plants that continue to absorb carbon dioxide in the night and emit oxygen. For it aesthetic looks, durability and air-purifying qualities, this plant is a must have for every home.


*Note: that the planter shown in the picture is only for representation. The package will include Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii suckers. Decorative planters and pots if required should be purchased separately.


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A sapling is a young plant and will come in a smaller size. Why take a sapling? While it is wonderful to watch your little sapling grow, multiply and produce plantlets, take different color variations and forms till it fully matures, some of the saplings require extra care before it hardens and is full grown. While some others are absolutely hands free. If you are ready to give it all the care and love to admire the comparative growth patterns across plants, we suggest you go for a sapling.


An aged plant will come in a slightly bigger size than a sapling. While we say 'aged', it only means that once a sapling, is now a grown up and would require comparatively less attention than a sapling. If you have the anxiety about going wrong in the process or just cant wait to see a full grown foliage, we recomend you go for an aged plant. Ah ah !! dont get us wrong, age has no bar for plant, they are evergreen, have infinite growth potential and are renewable.

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