Senecio Himalaya - Blooms n Bough

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Senecio Himalaya


Buy Senecio Himalaya succulent plants for your indoor garden. Senecio Himalaya plants are very hardy and beautiful looking, durable succulents. These plants have distinctive appearance with thick and cylindrical leaves arranged in opposite pairs along the stems. They tend to have an upright, shrub-like growth habit and can reach a height of about 2 to 3 feet in their natural habitat, however, their height can be smaller when cultivated in containers. Like many succulents, Himalayan Senecio is also highly drought-tolerant. These plants thrive in full sunlight and are therefore well-suited for outdoor landscapes where they can receive plenty of sunlight. However, they are also adaptive to partial shade conditions. While the primary attraction is often the succulent foliage, Senecio Himalaya plants do produce small, yellow, daisy-like flowers in clusters, once a year. The plant is a host to a variety of butterflies.

Air purifying qualities:



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Name Senecio Himalaya
Common names Senecio Barbertonicus, Himalayan Senecio
Hindi names सेनेसिओ हिमालय/ हिमालयन सेनेसियो / सेनेकियो बार्बर्टोनिकस
Type Upright stems
Growth pattern Perennial, but is a slow growing plant
Exposure to sun Senecio Himalaya plants are tolerant to a good sun exposure. These plants grow well if exposed to a good 4-5 hours of direct sun.
Light  Place them in a good light conditions. Senecio Himalaya plants are good for outdoor landscaping as they are reasonably tolerant to sun exposure.
Soil Use a succulent potting mix, which is more granular, sandy and porous, and thus well draining. Loamy and soggy soil should be avoided, as Senecio Himalaya  plants are succulent plant and thus have lower watering requirements.
Watering These plants are drought tolerant and hence can survive a prolonged period of neglect. Soggy and loamy soil may cause the roots to rot, hence avoid too much and too frequent watering. The ideal way to water any plant is to soak the plant generously in water at the time of watering and wait till the soil looks dry and powdery, before watering it next time. 15 days to one month is a good time interval for setting a watering schedule for Senecio Himalaya plants.
Pruning Pinch off the yellow and dried stems.
Maintenance level  Low
Air Purifying qualities  No


*Note: that the planter shown in the picture is only for representation. The package will include the Senecio Himalaya plant in black grow pots. Decorative planters and pots if required should be purchased separately.


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A sapling is a young plant and will come in a smaller size. Why take a sapling? While it is wonderful to watch your little sapling grow, multiply and produce plantlets, take different color variations and forms till it fully matures, some of the saplings require extra care before it hardens and is full grown. While some others are absolutely hands free. If you are ready to give it all the care and love to admire the comparative growth patterns across plants, we suggest you go for a sapling.


An aged plant will come in a slightly bigger size than a sapling. While we say 'aged', it only means that once a sapling, is now a grown up and would require comparatively less attention than a sapling. If you have the anxiety about going wrong in the process or just cant wait to see a full grown foliage, we recomend you go for an aged plant. Ah ah !! dont get us wrong, age has no bar for plant, they are evergreen, have infinite growth potential and are renewable.

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