Syngonium Mix (Bundle of 3) - Blooms n Bough

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Syngonium Mix (Bundle of 3)


Syngonium podophyllums also commonly known as Feng Shui plants or Goosefoot plants, are beautiful spade shaped low-maintenance plants. They are highly adaptable and have a fast growth trajectory. They can also be trained to climb up the moss stick or any other other trail, for the desired look. The plant has upright stems that hone single leaves at the top. The stem can grow up to 2 feet tall. While it is not just about its decorative significance, but also the Feng Shui significance, that makes the plant a must have for every home. The shape of its leaves, are known to represent the five Feng Shui elements. The arrowhead leaves are believed to be a symbol of progress and prosperity and the structure of the plant is believed to represents positive energy flow. Syngoniums come in different varieties in terms of shapes, patterns and colours. It can be an ideal plant for living room or bed room given its positive significance and low light tolerant nature. A cluster of several colourful varieties  of syngonium will definitely enhance the aesthetics of your place.

Air purifying qualities


Maintenance Level


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Name Syngonium podophyllum
Common names Syngonium, Arrowhead vine, Goosefoot, Nephthytis
Hindi names सिंगोनियम मिक्स / सिनगोनियम / एरोहेड / सिंगोनियम पोडोफिलम / एरोहेड बेल, गूसफूट, नेफ्थाइटिस
Type Vine, Low growing shrub
Growth pattern Perennial
Exposure to sun Avoid direct and prolonged sun exposure. Partial exposure is best for all types of syngoniums. Variegated varieties can be exposed to a bit more sun duration than the others, in order to help develop a good variegation.
Light  Plant prefers bright indirect light conditions
Soil Well-drained soil mix. Syngonium cuttings can grow well under water, hence use hydroponic propagation stations to grow syngonium in water.
Watering Do not over water. Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out between two watering sessions. Do not allow the soil to completely dry out, and likewise also do not let the soil remain consistently drenched, either. Fertigate once a month
Pruning Prune as required in the maintenance routine of the plant. Remove damaged and dead leaves to encourage healthy growth. Always use sharp and sterilized scissors for pruning.
Maintenance level  Low
Purifying qualities Yes
Plant Details Buy online Syngonium podophyllums also commonly known as Feng Shui plants or Goosefoot plants. These beautiful spade shaped low-maintenance plants are highly adaptable and have a fast growth trajectory and can also be trained to climb up the moss stick or trelis for the desired look. They also hold Feng Shui value – the shape of its leaves, are known to represent the five Feng Shui elements, the arrowhead leaves are believed to be a symbol of progress and prosperity and the structure of the plant is believed to represents positive energy flow. Syngonium plants also contribute to a healthier indoor environment by absorbing indoor air pollutants. This makes them an excellent choice for those looking to enhance the air quality in their homes or offices while enjoying the benefits. Can be ideal plant for living room or bed rooms, offices or any other commercial space decor.


*Note that the planters shown in the picture are only for representation. The package will include a bundle of three Syngonium plants in mix colours, in black grow pots. Planters and pots if required should be purchased separately.


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A sapling is a young plant and will come in a smaller size. Why take a sapling? While it is wonderful to watch your little sapling grow, multiply and produce plantlets, take different color variations and forms till it fully matures, some of the saplings require extra care before it hardens and is full grown. While some others are absolutely hands free. If you are ready to give it all the care and love to admire the comparative growth patterns across plants, we suggest you go for a sapling.


An aged plant will come in a slightly bigger size than a sapling. While we say 'aged', it only means that once a sapling, is now a grown up and would require comparatively less attention than a sapling. If you have the anxiety about going wrong in the process or just cant wait to see a full grown foliage, we recomend you go for an aged plant. Ah ah !! dont get us wrong, age has no bar for plant, they are evergreen, have infinite growth potential and are renewable.

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